Disengagement & Impulse Control


Disengagement is your dog's ability to remove their focus from something. Whether it’s from YOU or from the environment. Sometimes our dogs need to learn to disengage from us (for example separation-related behaviours where dogs struggle to not be in our presence). Sometimes they need better disengagement from the environment around them (for example dogs that react to things like other dogs, people, wildlife, cars, bikes etc.). 

10/10 on disengagement would be a dog who can disengage from all distractions immediately.

Impulse Control 

This is their ability to control themselves around resources (toys, food, you, passion rewards, distractions). This is a great concept to work on if your dog is over-exuberant, excited, or struggles with disengagement. Impulse Control often leads in as a superb foundation layer into Disengagement Games. 

10/10 on impulse control would be a dog that always has self-control and never immediately chases after or tries to access anything without permission.

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