

A marker is a sound or word used to let the dog know that something good is coming! You will want to pair the marker with a reinforcer so the dog knows that when they hear the sound, something good is coming. A reinforcer is a reward like food, which triggers a release of dopamine, a feel-good hormone. If your dog doesn’t already have any markers you can condition this marker by simply making the sound, then immediately delivering a piece of food. Dogs are pretty smart and usually pick up a marker pretty quickly! Do this at least 10 times and you’ll start to notice that each time the sound is made they will look at you expecting the delivery of food! Speed this up by using their favourite form of delivery with the food. While conditioning a market I like to actually use a dog's entire food allowance if you are totally new to training. Use their breakfast and dinner that day to sit and condition your marker as much as possible. For most dogs by the following day they will already have a fairly strong association with the marker.

Types Of Marker! 

You can have different types of markers which can elicit a particular emotional response from your dog. For example I have a high arousal marker, standard marker and a low arousal marker. 

A high arousal marker might be something like SUPER or GOOD JOB, something said in an exciting way! 

A standard marker for me is something I will use in most situations, it's a little exciting but not too much. Something like a Yessssss where you almost hiss the S sound.

A low arousal marker might be something like goooood or niiiiice, said in a low, slow and calm tone. 

When training recall or agility we will often use our high arousal marker.

For trick training and general behaviours I usually use my standard marker.

When training something like boundaries where we want them to be calm, it’s much more appropriate to use a low arousal marker to help keep a calm emotional state. 

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